Although buyers usually prefer not to include price for fear of ramifications later, most sellers want to see a price mentioned in the LOI. If this is the case, I recommend inclusion. The key is to establish a narrow price range. If you believe the business is worth $35 million, then the LOI should propose …
Tag: price
Don’t Let Deal-Fever Derail Your Strategy
It’s that time of year again. The holiday season is a great occasion to spend time with family, celebrate with friends, give to charity, drink hot cocoa – and of course buy presents. Beginning with Black Friday, holiday sales are out in full swing with retailers trying to entice consumers with the lowest prices on …
Price Isn’t Everything
Are you considering an acquisition? Remember, when it comes to buying companies, especially privately held ones, the transaction is almost never about just the price. There is always something going on that falls outside the spreadsheets. Understanding that mysterious ‘‘something’’ is what can make or break your deal. The statistics are frightening. By most reckonings, …
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