Should your credit union acquire a bank? If you are looking for new ways to grow, acquiring a bank may be an option for your credit union. Capstone is excited to host a webinar attorney Michael Bell, who pioneered this new approach and continues to help credit unions acquire banks. The webinar will cover the strategy …
Tag: acquisitions
Bigger Is Not Always Better – Hudson’s Bay Approaches Macy’s About Acquisition
We usually think acquirers are big, multinational companies that gobble up their smaller competitors. However, that’s not always the case. Hudson’s Bay, which has a market value of $1.5 billion, is interested in acquiring Macy’s, which has a market value of $9.4 billion. This transaction challenges common perceptions about acquirers and sellers and demonstrates that …
Growing Demand in Healthcare Sectors Drives M&A
Thanks to advances in science and healthcare, people are living longer than ever. As they age, demand for healthcare products and services increases. One of the most significant demographic trends impacting healthcare is the aging baby boomer generation. As about 75 million American baby boomers grow older, demand for healthcare continue to will increase rapidly. …
M&A Update: Full Year 2016 [Infographic]
Global M&A reached $3.7 trillion in 2016, dropping 16%, and the number of deals increased slightly by 1% when compared to last year. While 2016 did not match 2015’s record-levels, activity was still robust. Compared to 2014, activity increased by 5%. Activity in the fourth quarter reached $1.2 trillion with 13,504 deals announced, a 50% …
The Street Quotes Capstone CEO David Braun on Media Acquisition
The Street interviewed Capstone CEO David Braun for the article “Hollywood Reporter-Billboard Media Likes Sound of SpinMedia’s Music Brands.” In the article David Braun analyzes the deal’s strategic rationale and discusses how traditional media businesses can continue to grow amidst a changing environment. As print media declines and digital media consumption rises, traditional publishing and …
M&A in Review: Top Posts from 2016
2016 continued be a strategic, rather than a financial buyer’s market and strategic buyers deployed large cash reserves to pursue growth through M&A. Unlike financial buyers, which typically look for a three to five years return on investment, strategic buyers can afford to pay more due to their long-term focus. The middle market has been eager …
Dealmakers Predict Robust M&A in 2017
2016 has been a year of surprises with the U.K. voting to leave the European Union, fears over China’s economic slowdown, oil price slumps, and Donald Trump winning the U.S. presidential election. Despite these shocks to the market, 2016 will likely be the third best year for global mergers and acquisitions in the past 10 years …
Merger or Consolidation: Which Strategy Is Right for Your Credit Union?
Are you exploring all your options for growth? When you think about a growing your credit union or CUSO through a “merger” strategy, you may be tempted to focus on consolidation alone. While combining two credit unions can be a pathway to growth, it is important to recognize it is just one of a number …
The Greatest Risk You Face in Acquisitions
When you acquire a company, the biggest risk you face in the unknown. You put a potentially large sum of money down for results that are not guaranteed. Whether you are acquiring a company for a new technological capability, to expand your geographic footprint, or for its complementary product line – there’s always the possibility …
Capstone Guides Acquisition of VDI by Japan’s Lintec USA
Capstone Strategic announced today that Lintec USA Holding, Inc. has acquired VDI, LLC (DBA Vacuum Depositing). The acquisition brings together complementary technology and broad research and development capabilities that will allow for expansion in the industrial films market. Capstone Strategic, Inc. (Capstone) announced today that Lintec USA Holding, Inc. (Lintec USA) has acquired VDI, LLC (VDI). …