Pursuing Not-For-Sale Acquisitions: 3 Ways to Change an Owner’s “No” to “Yes”

“I’m not interested in selling my business right now.”

“We already have a strategic plan in place.”

“We are already talking to another buyer.”

“Why should I listen to you? I get asked to sell all the time.”

“I may sell in a few years when my company has a higher value.”

“Who are you????”


These are the typical responses owners give when contacted for the first time about selling their business. While it can be discouraging to hear “no,” it would be more surprising to hear an owner say, “Yes, I am ready and willing to sell you my business over the phone right now!” Experienced acquirers know that an owner’s initial “no,” is simply a knee-jerk reaction resulting from surprise more than anything else.

The majority of owners of privately-held businesses, especially those that are healthy and run well, are not operating their business with the intent of selling. They are focused on growth and delivering products and services to their customers. Just because someone is not currently thinking about selling does not mean that their company is not for sale. Click to continue reading on The M&A Growth Bulletin.

This article originally appeared in The M&A Growth Bulletin, Capstone’s quarterly newsletter that delivers essential guidance on growth through M&A along with tips and tactics drawn directly from successful transactions completed in the market. Subscribe today to read the current edition and receive The M&A Growth Bulletin every quarter.